Friday, 16 September 2016

Roddy's Rockets - Canoeing and orienteering (Thursday)

The children have had an action-packed day. They've been canoeing, swimming in Derwentwater, jumping off jetties and improving their confidence around water. In the afternoon, they worked on their map skills and took part in several orienteering courses. They've had a walk to Fitz park in Keswick this evening for football and to play on the adventure playpark. They had a little treat of cake and marshmallows while we there too.

Home tomorrow after a morning activity.

Thanks, Mr Roddy.


  1. Photos are excellent, Action Shots, Fun & Games all around

    Well done kids looks like you have had an excellent week

  2. So many happy faces, looks like you've had an amazing time. Looking forward to 4pm, safe journey.

  3. Looks great fun. Looking forward to seeing you all today x
